2010 m. lapkričio 4 d., ketvirtadienis

Pagerink savo širdies darbą (angl. k.)

Boost your heart health

Talk to your boss. A 2010 study found that individuals who have input regarding their scheduled working hours experience a number of positive health outcomes, including better blood pressure, improved sleep and mental health. So if you’ve been thinking about changing your hours, it’s time to speak up!

Make a shake with beetroot juice. Earlier this year, researchers in London found that the juice’s nitrate content can lower blood pressure within 24 hours of drinking it.

Get your sleep. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that insufficient sleep can lead to higher systolic and diastolic readings. (After five years, study subjects were 37 percent more likely to have high blood pressure for each reduced hour of sleep.) Aim for seven to eight hours every night.

If you have high blood pressure, or any concerns about it at all, have a chat with your doc about your options. Several types of blood pressure medications may help reduce hypertension. However, be sure to tell your doctor about how active you are before a prescription is written so that she can choose one that’s most appropriate to your lifestyle.

Talk to your doctor if you’re taking birth control pills. The American Heart Association advises that medical researchers have found that “the pill” can increase blood pressure in some women, though it’s more likely to happen if you’re overweight, are a smoker, have a family history of hypertension or have kidney disease. Even if you’re in shape, talking to your doc is important. She might ask you to check your blood pressure regularly just to be on the safe side.

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